
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2010


Istriku yang ku sayang, Perlu adinda ketahui... Bahwa aku menikahimu bukan karena kecantikanmu.... Karena itu aku selalu ridho dengan kecantikan dan kemolekan tubuhmu apa adanya, Bukan pula karena hartamu.... Karena itu aku sanggup bersamamu walaupun hidup apa adanya. Adindaku.. Akupun memilihmu bukan karena nasabmu Karena itu aku rela menjadi bagian dari keluargamu bagaimanapun itu. tapi perlu adinda tahu... Aku memilihmu menjadi istriku Karena Agamamu, Kemuliaan sifatmu, dan keindahan Akhlakmu. Karena itu wahai belahan hatiku.. Pertahankanlah ia, tingkatkanlah terus... Semoga Allah Azza Wajalla meridhoi pernikahan kita Aamiin ya rabbul 'alamin... Makassar, selasa 26 Oktober 2010

Karbohidrat - Glukosa

Glucose is a simple sugar, meaning that to our tongues it tastes sweet. There are other simple sugars that you have probably heard of. Fructose is the main sugar in fruits. Fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose (C6H12O6), but the atoms are arranged slightly differently. The liver converts fructose to glucose. Sucrose, also known as "white sugar" or "table sugar," is made of one glucose and one fructose molecule bonded together. Lactose (the sugar found in milk) is made of one glucose and one galactose molecule bonded together. Galactose, like fructose, has the same chemical components as glucose but the atoms are arranged differently. The liver also converts galactose to glucose. Maltose, the sugar found in malt, is made from two glucose atoms bonded together. Glucose, fructose and galactose are monosaccharides and are the only carbohydrates that can be absorbed into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining. Lactose, sucrose and maltose are disaccha...